Weight loss

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Chia Seeds – Natural: 200g

Original price was: ₹200.00.Current price is: ₹150.00.

Chia Seeds – Natural: 200g

Original price was: ₹200.00.Current price is: ₹150.00.

More Natural Than Organic:

Edible chia seeds from “24 Farms” are grown naturally without using any chemicals.
Chia seeds can be soaked in water to drink. Chia seeds also can be used as toppings for variety of dishes.
Chia seeds are a good source of healthy fats, protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and other beneficial plant compounds. These are predominantly used for weight reduction and cooling of body heat. Widely used as summer drink also.

Product Net Weight: 200 Grams

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Original price was: ₹200.00.Current price is: ₹150.00.Read more

Flax Seeds – Natural: 200g

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹63.00.

Flax Seeds – Natural: 200g

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹63.00.

More Natural Than Organic:

Edible flax seeds also called as avisa ginjalu from “24 Farms” are grown naturally without using any chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

Flax seeds are loaded with vitamins, omega3 fats, lignans, dietary fiber and high quality protein. Flax seeds are also called as super food.

Product Net Weight: 200 Grams

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Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹63.00.Read more

Giloy Powder – Thippa Theega – Immunity Booster – 100g

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹90.00.

Giloy Powder – Thippa Theega – Immunity Booster – 100g

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹90.00.

Giloy or Thippa Theega or Amruthavalli is widely used in Ayurveda medicines as a immunity booster, BP controller, diabetes controller, anti fever, liver cleanser and skin diseases . Giloy leaves and stems are collected and dried under shade to ground to powder by 24 Farms.

Consume a half table spoon of this powder with honey with empty stomach early morning and before going to bed in the night. This also can be taken as kashayam. Mix half spoon of this powder in hot water and consume after the water becomes warm.

Consuming with desi cow ghee helps to reduce vata dosha and gives very good immunity to body.

Product Net Weight: 100 Grams

3 in stock

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹90.00.Add to cart

Mogra Saffron Flower – 1 gram – Premium Quality


Saffron is a prized spice in cooking and baking and for many medicinal uses.
Mogra saffron is praised for its quality. It adds a distinctive flavor and vivid color to dishes, from paella and risottos to desserts like saffron-infused ice cream or cakes.
Saffron contains compounds crocin and safranal, which possess antioxidant properties.
Saffron consists of anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti depression properties.
Investigated for its potential in slowing down the progression of eye conditions like age-related macular degeneration (AMD).


  • Supports brain health and memory
  • Prevents menstrual cramps
  • Fights against aging of skin
  • Promotes good digestion
  • Enhances the skin glow
  • Rich source of anti oxidant
  • Potential weight management
  • Promotes good eye vision
  • Promotes good skin health
  • Helps with PMS

Consult doctor for any medicinal recommendations and dosage.

Product Net Weight: 1 Gram

Sold out!

700.00Read more

Pippali Powder – Long Pepper – Weight Loss – 100g

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹210.00.

Pippali Powder – Long Pepper – Weight Loss – 100g

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹210.00.

Pippali or Long Pepper is widely used in Ayurveda medicines as a natural remedy for weight loss, fat burning, digestion. Pippali flowers and seeds are collected and dried under shade to ground to powder by 24 Farms.

Weight loss is a major concern these days as the practices are giving various side effects. Pippali is a natural fat burner. Consume of table spoon of this powder with honey early morning with empty stomach and 30 minutes before the breakfast will give you awesome results.

Consume a table spoon of this powder with honey before going to bed for good digestion and to cure constipation problems.

Product Net Weight: 100 Grams

1 in stock

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹210.00.Add to cart

Pumpkin Seeds – Natural: 200g

Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹130.00.

Pumpkin Seeds – Natural: 200g

Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹130.00.

More Natural Than Organic:

Edible pumpkin seeds are also called as gummadi ginjalu from “24 Farms” are grown naturally without using any chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

Pumpkin seeds are loaded with valuable nutrients, antioxidants, high quantity of magnesium and high dietary fiber. Pumpkin seeds are widely used for weight loss and to improve bladder and prostate health.

Product Net Weight: 200 Grams

85 in stock

Original price was: ₹150.00.Current price is: ₹130.00.Add to cart

Sonamukhi Powder – Senna – Swarna Patri – 100g

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹80.00.

Sonamukhi Powder – Senna – Swarna Patri – 100g

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹80.00.

Sonamukhi or Senna or Swarna Patri is well known for its various medicinal values in Ayurveda. The leaves are collected and dried under shade to ground to powder.

It may help to control various diseases and disorders such as Constipation, Diabetes, Worm infestation, Hemorrhoids, IBS, Weight management and Piles.

Consume a very little volume 5 mg of this powder with honey with empty stomach early morning and before going to bed in the night. This also can be taken as kashayam. Mix half spoon of this powder in hot water and consume after the water becomes warm.

Always consult your ayurvedic doctor for better prescription. Higher dosage may result in diarrhea and abdominal cramps.

Product Net Weight: 100 Grams

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Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹80.00.Read more

Sunflower Seeds – Natural: 200g

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹80.00.

Sunflower Seeds – Natural: 200g

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹80.00.

More Natural Than Organic:

Edible sunflower seeds are also called as poddu thirugudu puvvu ginjalu from “24 Farms” are grown naturally without using any chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

Sunflower seeds are loaded with healthy fats, beneficial plant compounds, several vitamins, minerals, high calories, sodium and cadmium. These nutrients may play a role in reducing your risk of common health problems, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Product Net Weight: 200 Grams

183 in stock

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹80.00.Add to cart

Thriphala Churna- 100g

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹80.00.

Thriphala Churna- 100g

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹80.00.

Triphala is a combination of three fruits namely Indian gooseberry, black myrobalan, and belleric myrobalan. This powder is widely used in Ayurveda for various purposes.

Triphala supports all three doshas: air/space, fire/water, and water/earth. Doshas are the elements responsible for physical, mental, and emotional health.

Can be used to control various health diseases and disorders includes… Weight Loss, Detoxification, Digestive Issues, Infections, Immunity, Oral Hygiene, Eye sight, Gastric Ulcers, Urinary Tract Infections, Joint and Bone Pains.

Always consult your ayurvedic doctor for better prescription. Higher dosage may result in negative effects.

Product Net Weight: 100 Grams

8 in stock

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹80.00.Add to cart

Weight Loss Millet Pack – 9Kg

Original price was: ₹2,130.00.Current price is: ₹1,930.00.

Weight Loss Millet Pack – 9Kg

Original price was: ₹2,130.00.Current price is: ₹1,930.00.

Weight loss millet pack is useful to reduce the over weight without having any impact on kidneys. This pack comes with the combination of natural millet rice cultivated and harvested at 24 Farms.

This pack is designed as per Dr. Khadar Vali’s speeches available in public domain.

Little Millet Rice – Consume on DAY1, DAY2 and DAY3
Kodo Millet Rice – Consume on DAY4, Day5 and DAY6
Foxtail Millet Rice – Consume on DAY7
Barnyard Millet Rice – Consume on DAY8
Browntop Millet Rice – Consume on DAY9 

Repeat the above sequence from the 10th day

Apart from the millet rice, Dr. Khadar Vali also recommends to use the below kashayam

Week 1 – Ficus religiosa Leaf (Raavi Leaf) Kashayam
Week 2 – Betel Leaf Kashayam
Week 3 – Jira Leaf Kashayam
Week 4 – Conch grass or Bermuda grass or Garika Or Doobh Kashayam
Week 5 – Turmeric Leaf or Wild Palm Tree Leaf Kashayam

Repeat the same sequence of kashayam from 6th week onwards.

NOTE: This packet doesn’t contain the kashaya leaf. This only comes with Millets.

Contents of the Packet:

Little Millet Rice: 3 Kg
Kodo Millet Rice: 3 Kg
Foxtail Millet Rice: 1 Kg
Barnyard Millet Rice: 1 Kg
Brown Top Millet Rice: 1 Kg

Product Net Weight: 9 Kg

Minimum Order Quantity(MOQ): 1 Pack

472 in stock

Original price was: ₹2,130.00.Current price is: ₹1,930.00.Add to cart

24 Farms